Henan Polytechnic
Teaching Disciplines for Foreign Teachers
1. You should adhere to the scheduled timetable: do not suspend or rearrange class times without approval from the college. You are required to get the permission in advance if you really need to change class. You can ask your co-teacher to assist you for the formalities. It’s not allowed to ask for a leave for traveling or having fun during work time.
第一条 外籍教师应严格遵守学校统一教学安排,未经学院允许不得随意调、停课,更不得利用教学时间外出旅行、参观和游览。确需调课的,可要求合作老师协助办理手续。
2. Teaching will be conducted according to the teaching schedule and the outline of the college. You are responsible for the implementation of the course, and you may ask your co-teacher for assistance. You can discuss the selection of textbooks with relevant persons, and you are welcome to recommend or offer advanced foreign teaching materials.
第二条 外方课程的教学实施须严格执行教学计划和教学大纲要求,外籍教师与合作教师共同完成授课。外籍教师对负责课程的实施拥有自主权和决定权,可要求合作教师配合完成,合作教师根据要求为外教提供辅助管理。外籍教师有权就教学使用的教材与教学部门商定。欢迎推荐优质、合适的国外教材。
3. During teaching, you cannot spread passive values or inappropriate ideas to the students, nor criticize China, nor proselytize religious ideas or lead religious activities.
第三条 教学过程中,不得传播消极价值观和不良思想,不得发表反华言论,不得进行宗教思想渗透和开展宗教活动。
4. Teachers should be punctual for class. In the classroom, you are required to maintain a good image as a teacher. Dress should be clean, neat and culturally appropriate. Slippers are not suitable. No smoking in classroom. Teaching should be conducted in Standard English, or the language needed.
第四条 上课要守时,课堂上保持教师良好形象,穿戴整洁得体,禁止穿拖鞋和吸烟,授课语言为标准英语或合作办学项目所需用语。
5. You are required to be fair and strict, give different standards to different levels of students, communicate with your co-teachers, and manage the class effectively.
第五条 严格要求学生,鼓励学生好学上进。根据不同的年级制定出课堂教学要求,多与中方合作教师交流,大胆管理,共同组织好课堂教学。
6. You are required to draw up and adjust the curriculum and lesson plans according to the students needs, levels and feedbacks. You are encouraged to give assignments and answer questions. You should implement the examination system strictly and fairly, and stick to marking standards.
第六条 外籍教师需根据学生需求、水平、反馈等实际情况制定课程标准和授课计划,并及时调整。根据实际教学情况布置适量的作业,并及时批改、讲评、答疑。公平公正实施考试,按标准给出相应成绩。
7. You will receive teaching observation and assessment occasionally each semester by the college in the form of joining your class and collecting feedback from students. You will be evaluated and given scores for teaching.
第七条 外籍教师需接受学校督导部、国际教育学院、专业二级学院组织的听课,或其它方式的教学评教、评估,接受学生的教学质量评估。
8. You are required to attend regular teaching meetings, and participate in collaborative educational researches with Chinese teachers and students’ English activities if necessary.
第八条 外籍教师需按时参加日常教学会议,鼓励参与中外教师联合教科研及学生英语活动等学校教学相关事务。
9. At the end of each semester, the college will conduct assessment of every teacher in terms of teaching and daily performance. Based on the information, the college will make the decision about whether to extend the contract or not. The college can make the proposal to dismiss you in the middle of the contract if you don't take a serious attitude to your teaching, or can't finish your teaching task, or make no improvement even after being corrected.
第九条 聘用合同到期后,国际教育学院组织对外籍教师就教学效果和日常表现开展考核。根据考核结果,学校将决定是否续聘。如教师敷衍教学或无法完成教学任务,经指正后仍不改进的,学校可提出在合同执行中期提出终止合同的建议。